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Internet users love watching videos of other people doing stuff. Whether it's getting ready in the morning, cleaning their kitchen, or playing video games, people will post videos of themselves doing almost anything for views and likes. One such type of video is people's reactions when watching a movie or TV series for the first time. They'll sit down in front of the TV with a camera pointing at their face to capture their reaction, their emotions and their feedback. The edited, uploaded videos generally show snippets of the movie with the person's face off to one side.

We like watching these "first time watching" (FTW) videos. Not only do they allow you to re-watch your favourite movies in shorter, edited form, but you get to see other people reacting to your favourite scenes as they experience them for the very first time. Whether they laugh when the comic relief cracks a joke, shed a tear when the lovers have to part ways, scream when the knife-wielding psycho bursts from the closet, or cheer when the underdogs win the championship, their emotions are a big part of the appeal of these videos. Often we'll finish watching one person react to a movie, then want to see how others react to the same film. But finding all of the different reaction videos for a particular movie is a bit difficult...

This website was built to make it easy to do just this - search for your favourite movie or TV series and see a list of all of the FTW reactions to it. This site has a list of channels that produce FTW videos. It gets all of the videos from each channel and matches them with the movies and TV series they are reacting to.

This is primarily a manual process. We add a YouTube channel ID, the site fetches that channel's details from the YouTube API, and a page for that channel is created here. The site then fetches all of the videos from that channel and adds them to a queue in the back-end. We go through the queue and manually match each video with the appropriate movie or TV series using the TMDB API (we would have loved to automate this step, but YouTube video titles vary so wildly from each other that it was practically impossible to accurately extract the movie/TV series name). Finally, the video is added to its channel's page, and a movie or TV series page is created with details about it and a list of the YouTube videos that react to it.

Since this is such a manual process, there are very likely to be bugs. If you notice that a video doesn't match the movie/TV series it's linked to, the season/episode numbers are incorrect, or we just haven't imported your favourite FTW channel yet, let us know!